JINCHEN/JINGHCENG Heated hoses are constructed from a PTFE or stainless steel smooth flexible hose onto which a heating element is wound. Cotton insulation with a polyamide or stainless steel outer sheath provides insulation and protection of the flexible hose.We design a vast range of heated hoses
SUPER FLEXIBLE STAINLESS BRAIDED HOSEThe heated hoses feed the hot melt from the basic appliance to the applicator system, ensuring that the properties of the adhesive are preserved. The heated hoses are designed to last longer and guarantee a constant temperature over the full length to remain char
Hose with different temoperature sensors: PT100 /NTC/NI120 ...hoses with different inner diameters: 6/8/10/13/16/20mm.... (with outer dameters from 40mm)Available lengths: 0.18 - 30 m (depending on the diameter)Hoses with different finishes: reinforced mesh hoses / Anti-moisture model.